Monday, March 24, 2008

These books have been sitting on my desk since January. I have a 20 page paper to write from Hershall, and these books are sitting here gathering dust. I have so many things to do between now and the end of the semetser.


  1. Metrics - due end of March
  2. 20 page paper for Hershall on portraiture/nudity - due mid April
  3. 10 page paper + power point on creativity and madness for Rhonda - mid April
  4. Star Lab/Journals - due April 1
  5. Constallation Report - due April 1
  6. Soccer games for LIA - March 20 something
  7. Sign up for May-Mester
  8. Sign up for Summer School
  9. FSAFA
  10. Get wisdom Teeth out.

UGH. too much to do, too little time.

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