Sunday, May 11, 2008

Since i'm mostly dead, i've been watching a lot of TV, especially Seinfeld. Do you rememebr the one where Jerry meets Janeane Garofalo, and they are exactly the same so Jerry asks her to marry him? anywho, they both order Cherrio's for dinner, and I cant stop thinking about them.

In fluid mechanics, the cheerio effect is the tendency for small wettable floating objects to attract one another. The comedian and author Rich Hall called this effect "cheeriomagnetization", using it as an example of a word that needed to be coined, or "sniglet". An example of the cheerio effect is the phenomenon whereby breakfast cereal tends to clump together or cling to the sides of a bowl of milk. It is named for the breakfast cereal Cheerios and is due to surface tension and buoyancy. The same effect governs the behavior of bubbles on the surface of fizzy drinks.[1]

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