Monday, March 31, 2008

Down with the Sickness.

OO.ah ah ah ah.

I contracted the "Seals Family Plague" though some unknown source. Most likely from their house, or it could be all of that foreign money Pat had laying around. Whatever it is, you don't want it. ever. Viral Gastroenteritis

The past two days have been very boring. I'm either in the bathroom, or laying in bed watching TV. I haven't had food in two days, and can barely keep water down. But, I just had some JELLO, and it feels like its going to stay down.

I had to go and play tag in a gym for two hours followed by badminton... and only had to throw up once.

aren't you glad you read this ?

Friday, March 28, 2008

You people need to update... can i stalk, if you never update !

PS. download the Zooey Deschanel and M.Ward album. She and Him: Volume One. You wont regret it. promise.

Monday, March 24, 2008

These books have been sitting on my desk since January. I have a 20 page paper to write from Hershall, and these books are sitting here gathering dust. I have so many things to do between now and the end of the semetser.


  1. Metrics - due end of March
  2. 20 page paper for Hershall on portraiture/nudity - due mid April
  3. 10 page paper + power point on creativity and madness for Rhonda - mid April
  4. Star Lab/Journals - due April 1
  5. Constallation Report - due April 1
  6. Soccer games for LIA - March 20 something
  7. Sign up for May-Mester
  8. Sign up for Summer School
  9. FSAFA
  10. Get wisdom Teeth out.

UGH. too much to do, too little time.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Im going to eat your brains and gain your knowledge.

a gift from Aunt Carol.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today was a really really pretty day. Bright sun, Clear Sky, Cool Breeze. I went and sat in the backyard and read for a couple of hours. I kept getting distracted by this horrible screetching noise comming from the neighbors back yard. I still have no idea what it was.

Top Chef started last week, and I think I'll go ahead and watch it. BRAVO can do no wrong in my book, but we'll see. If you have HBO, check out "IN TREATMENT". Its actually produced by Marky Mark. It's Monday - Friday in 30 min episodes. He meets with paitents 4 days a week, then he sees a therapist on Fridays.

On Mondays, Paul has to deal with Laura, a patient who's fallen in love with him...and practically every man she meets. My professional diagnosis: She's a crazy nymphomaniac.

Tuesdays, Alex, is a cocky Navy pilot dealing with his harrowing battle experiences and his own crumbling marriage.

Wednesdays, it's Sophie, a defensive teenage gymnast who is too invested in her adult male coach.

Thursdays, married couple Amy and Jake who, well, just hate each other's guts.

And on Fridays, our hero goes to see his therapist, where he peevishly, so-satisfyingly unloads on everybody above.

Its a weeklong soap opera, some paitents intertwine, and each week reveals something new. You can watch the first 3 episodes of each character here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Beeville Followup.

i'll start off by saying i dont care who reads this....
i've never been a jealous person, and i'll be damned if i start now. I feel like I was put in a position to be made jealous, but i refuse to be, I can't be, I'm not. I'm no longer attracted to this someone ... at all. I felt I've been put though this test, and I believed I've passed. Even thouh I care about you, I think that things have changed to a point that we don't really know each other anymore. I'm sick of being the 90% of the friendship. You owe me an apology. I know I will never get it, and thats ok. Sometimes I feel the apology there. Sometimes. . . not. . .

On another note, Beeville was amazing, the only thing I would change would be.... being in charge. I would love to go camping without ever being in charge. I want to sleep later, cook less and drink harder. But, then.... things wouldnt get done. .. no one would do anything. We would eat dirt sandwiches for breakfast. We would never leave or arrive anywhere.
I secretly like it, I like making sure everyone is taken care of. That everyone is having a good time, everyone is satisfied; the food is cooked, the drinks are full. I love being there.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mr. Harry Wong.

I swear to blog, there is a man named Harry Wong who wrote a bunch of teaching books. Im taking this Low Organized Activities class and every time she mentions Harry Wong, I laugh.

I'll update some more when I get back from night class.

In my night class, "Art and Psychology" we had a HOUR to draw, using a big sheet of paper, markers, crayons, pastels, watercolors, ect, how we feel when we 'CREATE'.

This was mine. It's pretty boring and simple. But for being a class for art majors [and one dude who sleeps the whole time] my was not the worst. Certainly not the best, but by far the worst. I thought the assignment could have had some musical accompaniment but carols iphone music had to do.

I'm in a book rut. I just finished a book called "The Dead Beat - The Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries". I highly recommend it.

"Selma Koch, a Manhattan store owner who earned a national reputation by helping women find the right bra size, mostly through a discerning glance and never with a tape measure, died Thursday at Mount Sinai Medical Center. She was 95 and a 34B."

Any one have any ideas for what's next ?

Saturday, March 8, 2008


I think I am going to use some of my tax money and get my eyelashes permed. Yes, I said eyelashes and perm in the same sentence. My lashes are really long and hold a curl for about 5 mins. Its a vain thing that only I would notice, but I still think I would enjoy doing it.
I wonder if it smells like regular hair perm. I dont know if I could handle the burning stench of hair so close to my face. . .

My parents talked me into getting my friends to come over and help paint. I actually had a lot of fun. The drinks were passed around, and the walls slowly transformed into a slightly lighter shade of green. I like the color, I think it makes the living room look less like a cave, and more like a people house.

I think Im going to be really bored tonight. Call me if you want to play !

Friday, March 7, 2008

Today is Friday.

Ahh. Friday. Carol, Jason, Katy, Eric, Taryn, Taryn's Bf and I went to eat a $3.50 lunch at The Ranch. It was complete crap, every thing was room temp, and the fries could have been cooked about 45 min longer.

My TIVO forgot to record LOST last night, so I had to watch it this afternoon instead. I was kinda disappointed in the episode, but next week looks goood.

Last night, in celebration of Carols birthday.We went to Jody's for some dinner and had drinks at O'Brians.

BEEVILLE COUNTDOWN: T minus 7 Days. I hope it is this pretty next weekend.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Carol's Birfday

Happy Birthday Carol!

I am updating early, beacause ill probably be out late-ish. I think all we are doing tonight is watching the Project Runway Season Finale. I really hope Christian wins. 1) Because I HATE JILLIAN and 2) Rami is just ..ok. Yeah, he can drape extremely well, we all know that. Even though Christian is kindof a sissy bitch, I think he has more qualities that could help him become a successful designer. He's fierce and he knows it. Also, i think he may be a close cousin of Timone....discuss..

I went to my mom's office today and cleaned. The lady who normally does it has been out for a month, so it was pretty dirty. ESPECIALLY, the men's bathrooms. Men are pretty gross. I couldnt figure out how to flush the urnials, it took me about 20 min to figure it out. It was an automagic one that you literally had to get all up in the urninals face for it to flush. sigh. I have to go back tomorrow to finish some bathrooms and two upstairs offices. oh well, its 75 bucks that I sure could use for Beeville !!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today feels like Wednesday. I dont know why, but it does. I went to class, and after my sister picked me up and we went to eat lunch with my mom at work. My sister has been driving for 6 years, and this is the first time i have ever been in the car with her driving. It wasnt bad, just weird.

I have resigned to the fact that my car will remain in a state of disrepair until i throw it away after i graduate. I just can't afford it right now, and it still runs. ...sigh... oh well, at the very least it teaches me to not make fun of people with wrecked cars :)

I want Beeville to be right meow. I need a break, even though it seems like I have been unproductive this semester. But Im taking 18 hrs. so everyone can just back off. I need to get my shit lined up for next semester so im not stuck in shitty classes. I HAVE to take 15 over the summer/may-mester, and 15 in the fall. When we get back from Beeville i HAVE to write a 20 page rough draft for my Independent Study class, otherwise it will make Hershall mad.

Im gonna so watch Sunshine at John's. again. Its really good, you should see it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ze Queen.

I don't exactly know where my obsession with royalty comes from. But I really am obsessed. I just watched a two hour special about Queen Elizabeth II. As a little girl I never really pretended/daydreamed/wished that I was a princess or the secret heir to some far away regime being raised in secret by qualified gaurdians. I was more of a 'frontier girl', I wanted to be Laura Ingalls, and ride a horse "boy style" and be friends with the Indians.

I just watched a two hour special on Queen Elizabeth II. I don't care what people say, I like her. I think she is poised and elegant. [and if you listen to her, she's pretty funny]

ps. and I like her hats. and fancy china. and corgies.

New Toy.

This is my first entry, and knowing me, probably my last for... oh, say a month or so. I got a new toy today. Its totally rad, and really cheesy, Its a National Geographic Kids Telescope. I bought it at Target for 20 bucks, and so far, I do not regret it.

I have only looked at one thing [my neighbors front porch] because its really overcast. I am taking an astronomy class. I saw saturn for the first time through a telescope last tuesday and I can't stop thinking about it. It was the most beautiful/surreal thing I have ever seen. To see such detail on something 800,000,000 miles away boggles my little mind. It makes you and your problems seem so insignifigant. Im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.